
Topic: New: items!

Perfect Hue


Design & Animation

User Signature

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I've added a new item system that can be equipped to your game character. You can view/equip/unequip your items at the bottom of the edit profile page, and a full list of all current items (20) can be viewed on the game lobby page: http://perfecthue.tv:8001/game/ If you have a beta tester badge you should see two items in your account: Cowboy Hat & Sunglasses. Additional ways of obtaining items coming soon. Certain items have special properties, such as the shield which lets you block/push players, but affects movement and flag carrying speed. I've also implemented five different camera view options: Follow (Default) Closeup Fixed Dynamic (WIP) Full view Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwFadeHy8vg

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Perfect Hue


Design & Animation

User Signature

Posted on

Guest players are now live! You no longer need an account to join the game. Working on next: - Fixing the URL / HTTPS - Text-to-Speech feature (uses 1 account point per TTS)